Monday, March 31, 2014

27 weeks.

That's right. We are at 27 weeks. That means there are 13 weeks left.. Crazy to think that in 10 weeks I'll be FULL TERM. It's coming so fast!!!!

But anywho, that's not why anyone is here, right? You're here to hear about the baby. Haha.

So, at this point, Adelynn is weighing in at almost 2 pounds and is about 14 and a half inches with her legs extended. She now sleeps and wakes at regular intervals (we'll discuss more of this later). She opens and closes her eyes and may even suck on her fingers. Her lungs may still be immature, but with medical help they would be capable of functioning if, for whatever reason, she was born now. Her brain is functioning more and more as the tissue develops. Ady could be having hiccups too. 

Baby, fetus at 27 weeks - BabyCenter

So, onto the doctor. I was supposed to go on Thursday, but I called today. I've been swelling like a balloon, barely using the bathroom (despite the amount of liquid I take in), and Ady hasn't been moving as often as she used to. And last night, when she did move, it didn't feel nearly as strong as it used nor was it for as long. I'm starting to really worry. ) : So, I rescheduled the appointment for today at 1:00. And I'll keep you guys posted. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

26 Weeks. 2 days.

It's really hard to believe that I'm already past the 26 week mark, and that in under 4 weeks time I'll only have 10 weeks left! It seems like my pregnancy has been just breezing by... now if the cold weather could just breeze its way out of my area, that'd be great. I'm sooooo ready for SPRING! 

So, let me first start by updating you on little Miss. Adelynn

She currently weighs around 1 pound and 12 ounces, and is approximately 14 inches long. The site says, the size of a scallion, whatever that is! Any ideas? To google I go...

So, they're like green onion looking things. Okay.. Good to know she's approximately that long! Haha. Anyways:

Her nerves in her ears are better developed now, making them more sensitive. She can possibly hear her daddy's voice now too, when he and I are chatting. She is continuing to inhale and exhale the amniotic fluid she's living in, which is helping her little lungs develop so that she can take that big first breath! But that's all that's really going on with our little one right now. Not too exciting, but exciting nonetheless.

So, I have so much to update everyone on!

I don't even know where to start, okay, maybe I do.

1: For most of you that know Aaron and I, you know that we are pretty big nerds (my nerdy side definitely showed up when he came into my life, but that's beside the point). When I first met him he was the commanding officer (captain) of a star ship, the USS-Riverside. In other words; he was the leader of a chapter of a Star Trek club here in our area. Well, there was a bit of a falling out, and Aaron left his position and the chapter, and I followed suit. To be honest, though I love the organization now (Starfleet International: I originally joined simply because Aaron and I were a couple, I wasn't going to stay in a chapter that he wasn't in. 

Anyways, we transferred to another chapter, and they are great. And we found a chapter locally, from a different organization, that has pretty much taken us under their wing. And this chapter is everything I wanted the other one to be, and so much more. They are warm, open, and definitely fun to be around. On top of that, they are working to better the community in which they live, and helping out national charities.

So aside from the meetings we go to once a month, in June we will (hopefully, if Ady holds off) be attending the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure as a group! We will be ordering shirts that say "Trek for a Cause" and going out to just have a good time! So for any of you reading this, if you'd like to support the cause and have a great time, come on out and join us!!! For more information, message/comment and I'll get back to you!

2: Sticking with the Star Trek theme, Aaron and I have officially decided on what our first family vacation will be after Adelynn joins us! We will be attending the

2014 STARFLEET International Conference.

This year it's in Rockford, IL, so we'll be killing two birds with one stone pretty much. My little sister lives in that area, so she will get to come see Ady, and we will get to see a bunch of our SFI friends! It's going to be a pretty big trip, and with my not getting a paycheck around that time, we've already started saving/budgeting money! I can't wait though! I did some research and found out that the hotel we'll be staying out has a water park connected to it, so my little sister will be coming one day and we'll be spending the entire day at the water park! Should be pretty fun. 

3: FMLA.

This one kinda sucks to be honest. As of right now, it looks like I probably won't be able to take the full 12 weeks off granted by FMLA, because I won't have enough hours in a 12 month span to be eligible. That means, I only get 8 weeks off. /: But if that's the case, then there's not much I can do. Aside from hope I have enough hours.

But, I think that's about it for now! 

So again, If you're interested in doing the Race for the Cure and live in the QC area, let me know! You don't have to join the Star Trek club or anything like that, just pay your registration fee and register under our team name! ( : Then we can walk and be merry... even though I'll be 8.5 months pregnant. Haha.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

24 / 25 Week Update

Yep, I know I missed my update last week. But there really wasn't much to update about. The baby is 'developing' less and less the closer I get to due date, which is normal. A lot of the major developments take place in the first trimester. 

But this week (week 25), the baby is starting to gain some baby fat, which will make her wrinkled skin more smooth. She is currently around 13.5 inches long and weighs about a pound and a half (that's almost what she weighed at our last ultrasound). She is starting to get more hair too! 

Baby, fetus at 25 weeks - BabyCenter
So, onto my next topic. I'm currently working on a binder.. I like to call it my.. LIFE BINDER. There's going to be all sorts of important information located in the binder. Things like, our family budget, birth certificates, immunization records, hospital/doctor information, things needed for the birth of Ady... just all kinds of fun stuff to keep organized! And I'm pretty excited about it! I'll post pictures when I get it finished.

Anywho, I know it's short, but like I said, not a whole lot to update on!
Have a great weekend! (it's almost here).
-Auni and Ady

Friday, March 7, 2014

Update 3/7/14

Welp, I told you guys I would update you after the ultrasound yesterday, and though I'm a day behind, here we go.

So, little Miss. Adelynn was laying in a great position yesterday. She was butt down, and didn't flip over at all. However, she kept moving her hands and feet and refused to lay still for the ultrasound technician. The pictures of her heart turned out great, but I still didn't walk away with a nice profile shot of her. I got a couple of the face, and one of a foot (that makes 3 of her feet). She weighs approximately 1 lb and 5 oz at this point in time. My fluid level is at a healthy level also.

The doctor is worried that I may have low blood sugar because I've been even more tired now than I was in the first trimester, and I'm still losing weight. She thinks Ady is taking more out of my blood than I'm taking in in a day, but sugar just doesn't sound good usually (weird, I know). Right now though, I'm craving ice cream! lol

So, there's your update. Not a whole lot to it, because things look great at the moment. <3

Have a great one!
Adelynn and Auni

Monday, March 3, 2014

Only 17 weeks left!!!!

It's been like this for a couple weeks now, but it's hard to believe that I'm now at a higher week than the number I have left. That probably doesn't make sense... soooo.. I'm 23 weeks along and only have 17 weeks left! With every week my excitement level keeps building. I just want my little Ady here! RIGHT NOW! 

So, how about that update?!

As I said, I'm at 23 weeks. Ady is now more than 11 inches long and weighs over a pound. She's definitely moving like a champ, and I can now see my tummy moves when she kicks. The blood vessels in her lungs are forming to prepare her for breathing outside the womb. And her ears are becoming more sensitive to sounds to help her great ready for this great big world. Louder, everyday noises (like my crazy dogs or the vacuum cleaner) won't bother her too much, because she can hear them now. 

I have my next ultrasound and doctor's appointment on Thursday! So there will be another update later in the week! (:

Baby, fetus at 23 weeks - BabyCenter