Tuesday, March 25, 2014

26 Weeks. 2 days.

It's really hard to believe that I'm already past the 26 week mark, and that in under 4 weeks time I'll only have 10 weeks left! It seems like my pregnancy has been just breezing by... now if the cold weather could just breeze its way out of my area, that'd be great. I'm sooooo ready for SPRING! 

So, let me first start by updating you on little Miss. Adelynn

She currently weighs around 1 pound and 12 ounces, and is approximately 14 inches long. The site says, the size of a scallion, whatever that is! Any ideas? To google I go...

So, they're like green onion looking things. Okay.. Good to know she's approximately that long! Haha. Anyways:

Her nerves in her ears are better developed now, making them more sensitive. She can possibly hear her daddy's voice now too, when he and I are chatting. She is continuing to inhale and exhale the amniotic fluid she's living in, which is helping her little lungs develop so that she can take that big first breath! But that's all that's really going on with our little one right now. Not too exciting, but exciting nonetheless.

So, I have so much to update everyone on!

I don't even know where to start, okay, maybe I do.

1: For most of you that know Aaron and I, you know that we are pretty big nerds (my nerdy side definitely showed up when he came into my life, but that's beside the point). When I first met him he was the commanding officer (captain) of a star ship, the USS-Riverside. In other words; he was the leader of a chapter of a Star Trek club here in our area. Well, there was a bit of a falling out, and Aaron left his position and the chapter, and I followed suit. To be honest, though I love the organization now (Starfleet International: www.sfi.org) I originally joined simply because Aaron and I were a couple, I wasn't going to stay in a chapter that he wasn't in. 

Anyways, we transferred to another chapter, and they are great. And we found a chapter locally, from a different organization, that has pretty much taken us under their wing. And this chapter is everything I wanted the other one to be, and so much more. They are warm, open, and definitely fun to be around. On top of that, they are working to better the community in which they live, and helping out national charities.

So aside from the meetings we go to once a month, in June we will (hopefully, if Ady holds off) be attending the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure as a group! We will be ordering shirts that say "Trek for a Cause" and going out to just have a good time! So for any of you reading this, if you'd like to support the cause and have a great time, come on out and join us!!! For more information, message/comment and I'll get back to you!

2: Sticking with the Star Trek theme, Aaron and I have officially decided on what our first family vacation will be after Adelynn joins us! We will be attending the

2014 STARFLEET International Conference.

This year it's in Rockford, IL, so we'll be killing two birds with one stone pretty much. My little sister lives in that area, so she will get to come see Ady, and we will get to see a bunch of our SFI friends! It's going to be a pretty big trip, and with my not getting a paycheck around that time, we've already started saving/budgeting money! I can't wait though! I did some research and found out that the hotel we'll be staying out has a water park connected to it, so my little sister will be coming one day and we'll be spending the entire day at the water park! Should be pretty fun. 

3: FMLA.

This one kinda sucks to be honest. As of right now, it looks like I probably won't be able to take the full 12 weeks off granted by FMLA, because I won't have enough hours in a 12 month span to be eligible. That means, I only get 8 weeks off. /: But if that's the case, then there's not much I can do. Aside from hope I have enough hours.

But, I think that's about it for now! 

So again, If you're interested in doing the Race for the Cure and live in the QC area, let me know! You don't have to join the Star Trek club or anything like that, just pay your registration fee and register under our team name! ( : Then we can walk and be merry... even though I'll be 8.5 months pregnant. Haha.

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