Tuesday, April 1, 2014

27 Week Update.


I went to the doctor at 1:00. They did all the normal stuff, you know.. weight, blood pressure, urine test, etc. Every single test they did came back abnormal. My weight was ridiculous. I went from losing weight since day one, to gaining 20 pounds in a week. My blood pressure went from being, almost perfect... to extremely high. My urine had protein in it. 

Well, because my blood pressure was high they sent me straight to the hospital for monitoring. They hooked me up to a blood pressure cuff that went off every 15 minutes, and hooked the baby up to a heart monitor and a monitor to see if and when my uterus contracted. 

Of course, when I got to the hospital, my blood pressure went back to normal. The baby's heartbeat looked perfect, and my uterus was calm (which is normal for only being 27 weeks). The blood work they did came back normal, but the urine test came back abnormal, showing more protein than it should.

So they sent me home, but with a 24 hour urine collection. The doctor, who looks just like Dr. Gru, told me that if I had a headache and couldn't get rid of it, to take my blood pressure. If it was high, call the office. And that if I saw any other signs (blurry vision, leaking fluid, bleeding, etc), to come back to the OB department. 


I woke up this morning with a terrible headache. Since I fell asleep almost right after getting home last night, it was pretty much.. the tylenol given at the hospital wore off, and the headache came back. I took my blood pressure, and it was at 161/99. So I called the office. They sent me straight back to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, of course the blood pressure was fine. But the Dr. wanted to keep me for overnight observation. So, I'm now sitting in the hospital. The have to check my blood pressure every 2 hours, and they have to monitor baby for 30-ish minutes every 8 hours. My blood pressure was okay, but it went back up to 179/92.  I still have to do the 24 hour urine collection. They let me use the whirlpool, which was nice. I totally want one.

I had some low-grade contractions earlier, but nothing too major. I talked to the doctor, and if this is what they think, they'll have to start giving me steroid injections to make Ady's lungs develop quicker, so they can induce labor. But I'll know more later... 

For now, I'm gonna try to relax, and watch Big Bang with Aaron. 

Have a great night everyone!
-Ady and Mommy

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