Sunday, February 23, 2014

22 Weeks; Can it be over now?

Almost every time there's a pregnant woman on TV they are glowing, happy, and there aren't any problems. But that's not how it's been, AT ALL. I'm constantly hormonal, I cry at dumb things, I have an extremely hard time getting comfortable, and I'm always tired. I want Adelynn to be fully developed, but PREGNANCY SUCKS! hahaha. I have multiple things to update on, so let's get started:

Adelynn is now almost 11 inches long and weighs almost a pound. So, she's the size of a spaghetti squash. Her eyebrows, lips, and eyelids are more prominent now, and her tooth buds are beginning to form. Her irises have formed too, but they lack pigment (I really hope she gets her daddy's eyes, because they are gorgeous). Inside Ady's belly, her pancreas is forming, and will produce essential hormones. Her skin is still covered in lanugo, and has deep wrinkles because she hasn't gained her layer of fat yet. Only 18 weeks left, it's hard to believe that I'm already over half-way done. Phew.

Baby, fetus at 22 weeks - BabyCenter 
Okay. So next update. School.
 Well, I'll be officially withdrawing from St. Ambrose on Tuesday. Due to some complications with Adelynn, my doctor wants me to try to take things easier and not be as active in things that can cause stress, and going to school and working cause stress. But, I'm not quitting all together. I applied to Capella University, which uses an online forum. And I got accepted, I think. I got the email that said I had to do the online orientation (which I completed), but I haven't received my admissions offer yet. Fingers crossed it comes tomorrow. So what complications? Well, if you remember, over New Years, I was extremely sick. I had a virus, and I couldn't even keep liquid down. I lost 18 pounds over a 10 day period. The doctor wasn't extremely worried, she said I would just gain it back. Well, I never did. From week 5 to week 20 I lost 19.8 pounds. My amniotic fluid level is low as well, and if that continues there could be problems. So, I'm hoping everything gets better soon, Adelynn grows in my belly to be a healthy little one, and makes it to full term.

Last Update: Stress, Hormones, Hot Mess

I am just so frustrated. I'm tired of people that shouldn't be getting into mine and Aaron's business, getting into our business. I'm posting this blog so that people can see my journey and such, but that doesn't mean that people need to spread the news to others. I think everyone would better understand my point if they new who I was talking about, but I don't feel I should disclose that information. That gets a little more personal than I would like my blog to get. 

It's not only this stress that has been getting to me though. It seems that lately, Aaron and I just aren't seeing eye-to-eye. Last night I was honest with him about something, and he got pissed. I felt like he was mad at me, and of course, once the tears started they wouldn't stop. We worked that out though, as we always do. I cried this morning too, because I feel like I try so hard just to make him happy, but it doesn't work. I feel like since I came into his life, it's been nothing but problems. I feel like his family hates me, and will never accept me or our child, and that really hurts too. I want nothing more than to make Aaron happy. I've left the decision of 'us' and whether there will be one or not up to him since day 1. I love him, but again, I want him happy. Yes, this is what I wanted, but this is also what he wanted. I just really want his family to love me and our daughter., I want him to be happy, and I want to make him happy. That's all. /: 

Just a shout out to Alyssa and Kaitlin who let me vent last night, and are always there for me. I'm glad I have friends like you! I love you guys!

Oh and guess what!!
I finally found Adelynn a swimsuit for after she's born.


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