Sunday, November 24, 2013

9 Weeks and Counting

That's right everybody! Today starts a new week! (:

I'm officially 9 weeks along!

So what's new this week? Well let me first start by saying that the baby is now nearly an inch long and weighs a fraction of an ounce. The baby is the size of a grape. AND, the baby is finally starting to look more like a human than alien. The baby's "tail" is completely gone now

The baby's heart has finished dividing into the four chambers, and the valves are starting to form. The organs, muscles, and nerves are starting to work. The babies eyes are fully formed, but the eyelids will be fused shut until about 27 weeks. The baby has tiny earlobes, and the baby's mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct now. The baby's external sex organs are now in place, but won't be distinguishable through ultrasound for about 8 weeks. 

This is what the baby looks like this week:
Baby, fetus at 9 weeks - BabyCenter
So that's pretty much all the new stuff about the baby. I found all my information at (again).

Now onto a few other things.

This past week I had to undergo some normal prenatal testing, and to be honest, it sucked! I had to do a glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. So, to give you an overview of what I had to do.. I had to drink about half a cup of straight up sprite syrup, and then sit for an hour. After my time was up they drew my blood.

On the bright side everything came back peachy, and I won't have to do that again until about 28 weeks. (:

They also did some blood tests, and stuff like that. But once again, all routine.

My next appointment with the doctor is December 4th. So I'll for sure be updating everyone. (:

Anyways, I'm gonna watch movies, and finish off my lazy day. Have a nice night everyone.

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