Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Problems, Problems, Problems

Well, let me start by saying I never planned on writing more than one blog post a day, but after spending almost an HOUR on the phone figuring out all of this stuff, it's time to vent.

*Disclaimer: To any teens reading this and thinking they want to have babies RIGHT NOW, I'm not posting this to tell you, you're stupid or that you can't make it. I am posting this to show EVERYONE, teens and adults alike, that pregnancy and child raising isn't everything it's all cracked up to be. It's not all about glamour like it is on MTV. I'm only 8 weeks along and have had problems I've never even heard about on MTV. But anyways, good luck everyone.* 

So now, about this phone issue...

My first phone call was to the WIC office to schedule an appointment. Now, before anyone comments on how "Lowlife's shouldn't have babies if they can't afford it.." or whatever, let me just say that I'm a 20 year old full-time college student, I work 30 hours a week, and live on my own. I'm not stealing from the state, I simply want my baby to have the best nutrition possible, and to achieve that I'll need some help. So that call seemed to go decently, except the first person I talked to couldn't understand a damn word I said. I had to spell out my name 3 times, and then she asked me to hold on. After a brief period, a new lady came on the line. Luckily, after that, the conversation was easy and done.

Now onto the HUGE problem. I've had the same OB/GYN since I was about 16. When the doctor's thought I had PCOS (see post one for that story)the doctor switched me to a different doctor. I wasn't exactly sure why, but today I found out. 

I received a bill from my insurance last week, and found out that the doctor I had been switched to was not covered under my insurance plan, and I would have to pay full price to see the doctor. I called today to see if I could switch back to my original doctor, seeing as I DO NOT have PCOS, and the woman on the phone told me...

"She's a nurse practitioner. She'll be able to see you through the pregnancy, but she won't be able to deliver the baby. And regardless of whether you see her or him, the bill will be under his name because he's the main doctor."

So, pretty much.. if I want to go to the office I've been going to for almost 5 years.. I have to pay full price for the visits, ultra sounds, delivery.. everything.

I spent about 20 minutes online today hunting for a new OB/GYN that would be covered under my insurance. I found one, in the same building as my doctor, just a different office. The only issue with that? I can't get into the doctor until December 18. I'll be in the middle of my 12th week by then. So, hopefully nothing goes wrong.

So yeah, moral of the story, it's been a stressful day. There's a lot more that goes into being pregnant than most people think of.

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