Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Aaron, this one's for you!

Okay, so I planned on posting this as a status, but I realized it would be way too long, and people would probably get annoyed... So I decided a blog post was better.


So the other night, you asked me why I loved you. So first I want recap the book I gave you on Valentine's day.

20 Reasons Why I Love You

1: You treat me like a princess
2: You're an amazing dad.
3: Pizza nights.
4: You're a my nerd.
5: Your eyes sparkle when you're happy.
6: Your kisses.
7: You like my glasses, and my smile. Two things I hate.
8: You "sit through" my shows.
9: You're an adorable pirate.
10: You save me from all the bad guys.
11: Snuggle time.
12: Your hugs.
13: You got me ADDICTED to Family Guy.
14: You get me flowers... Just because.
15: You let me be a little kid.
16: You make me laugh.
17: You're content as long as we're together... even if that means browsing the toys at Wal*Mart.
18: Starbucks Bathroom...
19: You know when to shut up.
20: You're absolutely GORGEOUS. (Even though it doesn't matter, it's a bonus).

But those aren't the only reasons, and based on what I've realized they seem kind of small. Blame it on the hormones, but I've been thinking a lot lately, mostly about you, and the answer to that question. And even though the question was about why I love you, my thoughts all come as thank you's.

So first off. Before you came along, I got jealous of other girls. I always wanted to be like them. I never really felt pretty, but then you came around. And I felt more than pretty, I feel beautiful. And it's a great feeling. 

Next, you've honestly made my dreams come true. Every girl dreams of that one guy, that guy that completes her, makes her feel whole. And when I found you, I found that guy. Yeah, sometimes you get on my nerves, but whenever you're around I feel whole.

Continuing with my dreams coming true. As you know, I've dreamed since I was little to have babies. Yes, when we got together I gained children, but we've discussed why this is different. And you took it upon yourself to make my dream come true. When the doctor told us that it would be extremely difficult, you were the one that kept my chin up. You were strong for me, and that means a lot. The night I broke down, you wrapped me in your arms and made me see the positives. 

I wanted to live on my own, and even though you hated this place, you allowed it. Now that it's turned into a hell hole, I realize you were right, but you did it FOR ME, and that's what matters. 

There are plenty more reasons, but those will come later.

Aaron, I love you to death. Don't ever forget that. <3 

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