Monday, December 2, 2013

10 Weeks Down, 30 Weeks To Go.

That's right, as of yesterday I'm 10 weeks along! In a way, it seems like time is just flying by, but at the same time, it seems like it's taking forever.

Baby Update

The baby is now the size of a kumquat. That means, the baby is a little over an 1 and 14 inches long and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce. The baby has finished this most critical portion of development, and is officially in the fetal-period. During this period the baby will grow rapidly and organs will mature.

The baby's vital organs (kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver) are in place, and will continue to mature throughout the rest of the pregnancy. The liver has started producing red blood cells in the baby, and the yolk sac is disappearing. The baby's limbs can now bend, and the baby is starting to kick, even though I can't feel it yet. The baby's spine is visible through the skin, and spinal nerves are forming. The baby's nails are starting to form, and the baby's fingers are no longer webbed. Also, the baby's body hair is starting to grow.

The baby is estimated to be about twice as big in the next couple weeks.

Baby, fetus at 10 weeks - BabyCenter

Onto the fun stuffs.


I hope everyone had wonderful holidays! I sure did! Thanksgiving was fabulous. My fiance and I went to my parent's house. My mom and dad made everything we needed for a great meal. Then, after we ate, we went shopping. My fiance, my dad, and I went to WalMart, while my mom stood in line outside of Target. At Walmart we got: a TV (they would only allow 1 per customer because they were hot ticket items), a huge monster truck for my nephew, a travel system for baby, and I got my mom something for Christmas. I honestly have to say I was impressed with WalMart this year. There were three things that really stood out:

1: WalMart had hired in security. Now I know, it's not very often that anything crazy happens at Black Friday events in this area, but it made me feel better to know that IF anything happened they had people there. 
2: They gave out wristbands. So, for example, for the TV we got. The sale started at 6, but at 4:00 if you were there early you could go to where the 'station' was and pick up a wristband. That allocated your TV. 
3: This one ties into 2, and the only way I can explain it is if I do it together. So at 6:00, my fiance and I grabbed the stroller we needed and headed to the TV line (I already had my wristband). Now to further explain what that wristband did. They gave out 132 wristbands, but they had a 1 hour guarantee on the TVs as well. If you had gotten a wristband, you were guaranteed a product THAT NIGHT. If you didn't, and you were there between 6:00 and 7:00 they gave you an online slip. You paid that night and then entered the code online and they'd send you your product. So even if you weren't there, you got the product at a great price. I thought that was pretty cool.

The longest process was the check out process, but that wasn't even that terribly long. After we finished at Walmart we had to go home, because we had nowhere to put anything in the car. We went home, unloaded the car, and headed back out to Target. After 7:00 (doors opened at 8:00), they weren't letting anyone to the front of the line. My father, fiance, and I had to wait at the end of the line, but we met my mom inside. She was one of the first 40 people in and received a ticket. We ended up getting a 50" TV (my Christmas gift). But that was all we got that night, well that and coffee. We also went to Michael's, but because they opened at 6:00 and we didn't get there until about 10:00 it was pretty quiet. I got all of the stuff I needed to make baby shower invitations (50 of them) for under $20. I was stoked. 


Then Friday it was just my parents and I. My fiance isn't one for big crowds, and he woke up Friday sick (poor baby). My parents and I went to Gordman's, then we went back to Target. I didn't do so bad at Target. I got another gift for my mom, the movie my uncle wanted, a movie for myself, and the rest of our boys' Christmas gifts. I also got us Phase 10, because I keep telling my fiance we have to play! After Target we went to lunch, which ended up being really fun. STORY TIME:

About a month and a half ago (maybe longer), my fiance and I went to Fazoli's. For those of you who don't: it's like... 'fast-food, Italian' but they've really cleaned it up and it's more of a sit-down restaurant now. There was this man there (one of the managers) and he was changing light bulbs. I was sitting in the booth, shaking because it was cold in the restaurant, and he noticed. He said, "I think I'm gonna turn the heat up, it's kinda chilly in here." And I said, "It's freezing in here." So he turned the heat up for me. Then we had a conversation, and he was just an overall nice guy. 

So Friday when my parents and I went to Fazoli's, we walked in and the General Manager was running the register. I said, "Oh, hey I get to meet another manager." The manager asked me who I had met before, and I regrettably realized I had never caught his name. I said, "I don't want to sound rude, but he's a big, hulking, black man." (If you ever meet him, you'll realize my description hits the nail right on the head). The GM said, "Oh, Phil. That's my boss." Phil came up, and showed he really cared about his customer. He remembered what I ordered all that time ago, what shirt I was wearing, how he turned the heat up for me. And he was, again, really polite. Our whole experience at Fazoli's that day was fabulous! 

So, thank you Moline Fazoli's! I haven't had a bad experience there in a long, long, long time!

So after lunch, we went to Farm N' Fleet. I found those really cool pillows that look like an animal house, then you can pull the animal out and stuff the house in, so it's an animal. They were buy one, get one, and only $5.99. I got each of the boys one. Then we went to Menard's, and I got quite a bit of shopping done there. I got the boys some HotWheels ($2.50 for a 5 pack, that I found elsewhere were $5.00), got my cousin some stuff, and got part of Tammy's gift done. Then we went to this hobby shop. We looked at gas-powered, remote control cars. Then we went to the Festival of Trees. It was pretty nice this year, but it didn't seem to have as many trees as it used to. The coolest part was this little aquarium diorama someone made. They put little, fake fish in it and put Santa hats on them. It was adorable. After that we went the long way home to look at lights. On our way we decided to stop at Toys R Us. I finished Tammy's shopping at Toys R' Us. And I now only have 2.5 people to finish.


I got my fiance's gift ordered. It was awesome. The gift was on sale, then the site had an extra coupon for Black Friday. Because of all the discounts I got next day shipping, so his gift should be at my parent's house... today! I got the first part of his gift on Wednesday, and I know you're probably just dying to know what it is... But he'll probably read this and he likes to be surprised! Hahah. Just know, that it's killing me. I have 23 days until he gets to see it, and I can't wait!

What else happened since the last time I wrote?
Well, I had to get a new phone. I dropped my phone on Wednesday, and it landed screen-down on tile floor. It got an itty-bitty crack and I figured, oh well, I can handle that. It wasn't really in the way. The next morning I wake up, and the top left corner and bottom right corner are completely black. It looked like a pen exploded, inside my screen. Then by about 1:00 the screen was completely black, like the ink kept expanding. 

But that's really about it.

This wasn't supposed to be a long post, but that's how it ended up. So anyways.
Everyone have a great day! (: Hope you enjoyed.

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