Monday, January 27, 2014

18 Weeks and Counting...

Welp, yesterday started my 18th week. And I realized something. If women were only pregnant for 9 months, this would be my halfway bench mark. However; women carry children for 40 weeks (which would be 10 months), making week 20 my halfway point. Anyways, onto the baby....

Baby Clark is currently about 5 and a half inches long and weighs around 7 ounces (we're slowly but surely getting to the one pound mark, haha). The baby is constantly moving his/her arms and legs, which I have felt a couple of times, but it's not much of feeling... It's like a flutter or gassy feeling, but the movements will get stronger in the coming weeks. The baby's ears are now in their final position, even though they stick out slightly. You can see the baby's blood vessels through his/her skin, and a protective cover of myelin is forming around the baby's nerves. This process will continue through the baby's first year of life.

If the baby is a girl, her fallopian tubes and uterus are in place, if the baby is a boy his genitals are now visible through ultrasound! And Aaron will be seeing the baby on the 5th! And all of my friends, family, and even me... will find out on the 15th! I'm super excited!

So what else has been happening in the last week?
Well, we got the baby's nursery started. The walls have been painted, the crib is up, the bedding is on, and the swing is put together. 

We decided on the yellow and gray, because it works for both genders and the monkey is ADORABLE! Even though you can't tell in the picture, the quilted comforter matches the mobile, in that it's gray and white chevron. The mobile has an elephant, a monkey, and 2 giraffes on it! It's super cute! I don't have a picture of the swing in the nursery, but it's a monkey also! 

I don't have a whole lot more to say, other than that I love Aaron tremendously.

So, everyone have a great week! Stay warm! 
With Love,
-Baby and Auni

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